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What are the factors that affect the service life of new energy circular contact
- Time of issue:2021-09-21 16:42
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What are the factors that affect the service life of new energy circular contact
(Summary description)The quality of new energy circular contact is the basic condition to ensure that the quality and reliability of the terminal will not be greatly degraded during the effective storage period;
- Time of issue:2021-09-21 16:42
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The service life of new energy circular contact is related to the following three factors:
1. The quality of new energy circular contact is the basic condition to ensure that the quality and reliability of the terminal will not be greatly degraded during the effective storage period;
2. Environmental conditions for storage of new energy circular contact;
3. The eligibility criterion of new energy circular contact after storage.
The storage environment of new energy circular contact is stipulated in the general specification and detailed specification of most new energy circular contact.
For example, SJ331 stipulates the environmental conditions for the storage of semiconductor integrated circuits as: -10℃~+40℃, RH≤80%; the US military standard for the storage environment of semiconductor integrated circuits has a temperature range of -65℃~+150℃. However, these standards stipulate only the storage environment that is not allowed to exceed the range, not the best environment for new energy circular contact storage. GB4798.1 stipulates that the environmental level of the warehouse for storing precision instruments and new energy circular contact is the highest. The environmental conditions are: 20℃~25℃; RH is 20%~70%; air pressure is 70kPa~106kPa. QJ2222A stipulates two types of conditions: general storage environment and special storage environment. The general storage environment standard clarifies that the new energy circular contact should be stored in a clean, ventilated, non-corrosive gas and temperature and relative humidity controlled place.